Floating Cottage in Guimaras Island | My Iloilo Travels by Reynan Lim

Have you ever been wondering, going on vacation with your family, relatives, and friends in Guimaras? look, I discovered something new. Floating Cottage in Guimaras.  Please bee good to me, I don't have good English.

This cottage is seriously floating when the water level starts to rise and no worries it's not that it's in the middle of the sea and it's deep. The cottage is actually surrounded by the sandbar which can only be seen during night time when the water levels are low and it is surrounded by nets so that you can be sure of your safety and of course no marine creatures can enter the area such as jellyfish, if the wind is strong and creates bigger waves then you don't want to consider swimming with a jellyfish. 

The place is nice it can hold at least 40 persons the last time I ask them so you can bring as many relatives and friends you can bring. On the other hand, the cottage is open for everyone, many tourists who are renting a pump boat for an island hopping might join you in the cottage so better don't leave your things unattended or put all your things together on one side of the corner. 

The cottage has life jacket so that you can still swim in the water even if it rises to 6 - 7 feet deep. Be careful every time I went here we always caught few sea urchins lurking around the area, so better know how to swim like your snorkeling or wear your goggles so that you can have a 100 percent visual underwater. The sea is rich in marine life outside the sandbar so if you want to go outside make sure you can swim back to the cottage.

How to go there? 

From Iloilo City you need to ride a pump boat going to Jordan Guimaras, you can have your ride at Ortiz and Parola if the waves are not good in Ortiz because sometimes the waves are just too high and strong. 

I always contacted kuya Cherald every time we will go to Guimaras especially going to the floating cottage. We rent his van that cost 3000 pesos from Jordan warf going to Sitio Talabahan. Travel time would approximately about 1hr 30mins to 2hrs. From Sitio Talabahan you are going to ride a bangka maximum of 10 persons per bangka and costs around 500 pesos per bangka (pump boat). From Sitio Talabahan travel time going to the cottage would be approx. 5mins and that is the nearest point where you can have your ride going to the cottage. The pump boats will wait for you in the cottage and if ou plan on staying long then you can tell them what time are you going back. 


For the food, you can now bring your own food, there is also a 50 pesos worth of entrance fee to the cottage by the way. Or you could contact ahead responsible persons in the cottage if you would like them to prepare a food for you.

Overall Experience

My overall experience is great, I had fun, it's exciting. You will really enjoy it. You will say hey what's good in a cottage but the rich marine life can make your swim better if you bring snorkeling gear.

Here are some of the pics I want to share during our Floating Cottage Escape last August 25, 2017.

1 Komentar

I love seeing those pictures. I hope I could visit there soon! Sakit.info


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